Thursday, September 27, 2007

The current state of affairs in this country has me wondering who is going to step up. More importantly when. This election next year may either be a turning point in the downward spiral we have been experiencing since Bush took office(Notice that most people refer to our president as Bush and not President Bush and it's never with a smile). Anyway, there are several things that have caught my eye and we must address them all. First, our justice system is no where near the best and with hesitation not the worst either. The problem is we are way too inconsistent with our punishments and how we treat people who don't have money. I don't need to explain our hollywood stars who get busted with drugs and DUI's after DUI. Our white collar criminals who barely make the news robb people of millions and most of the time get away without a scratch. The people never get their money back or pensions lost from their CEO's fraud. The cops who use excessive force on people and never are dealt serious punishment. It's a shame the BS they feed us from the time we are little kids about how great America is. The truth is we are probably the most shady, two faced, back stabbing, nation in the world. Our deviant thirst for money and our careless obsession with power keeps us from battling issues that we have ignored for many decades. Instead of prosecuting the pawns in drugs, prostitution, gangs, and dogfighting lets make an attempt at the Kings and Queens. Cut the heads off and the body can no longer function. Arresting people for weed possession is ridiculous. Why? Because it will never end. The shit is grown in peoples backyard or in their homes. F******* daycare centers have weed operations now. Wow! did you hear about that? Right in good old L.A. The point is the government along with the state obviously are benefiting from collecting these low level criminals by seizing their money and keeping a portion of it. When is the last time you heard of a drug lord being killed or arrested? Exactly on the history channel. A story about 20yrs old. We are to corrupt to have a fair and equal justice system. When DA's can threaten young high school students with the stroke of his pen or when cable news stations allow misinformed a-holes who think they can solve problems of another race when they have never been a person of color let alone have experienced anything like that of a poor kid in the hood infested with drugs and violence. We have to stop the bleeding b/c we are bleeding to death


Kiyotoe said...

Damn son. That's deep kid.

Preach brotha, preach!

It's crazy cuz I can hear you getting more and more agitated as the post goes on.

The Counselor said...


I'm a little late, but talk about sounding like the "fuse is lit"...Dang.....

I would have to agree, there's nothing more sad than our Judicial System and the future of AmeriKKKa. I would love to B & Moan a little louder, but the reality is that I, like most Americans, have found myself too busy to make the time to do something about it. Between going to work, paying the bills, and chasing higher education--there's little room for me to participate in presidential campaigns or boycotts. Instead, I am limited to wearing black or avoiding purchases to show my support.

My efforts are futile. Thank God for the efforts of others. I wonder how many people will make the life-long sacrifices that Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and others make....who will make the time?


Woozie said...

Prostitution and drugs are here to stay - you can't stop people from smoking/shooting/snorting/drinking things that make them feel good, and you can't stop people from picking up a woman (or man) for no-strings attached sex. Accommodating, regulating these vices is the key, not outright banning them, which has repeatedly been proven to fail.